Home > Residential and Commercial Lettings > Residential And Commercial Properties To Let > Starkey Lane, Northop
Starkey Lane, Northop
Bedrooms: 3
Receptions: 1
Bathrooms: 1
A spacious and well thought out barn conversion offering a wealth of charm and character. This three bed property offers all the requirements of modern living.
Located at the end of Strakey Lane in a courtyard layout in the grounds of the farmhouse, the property offers an abundance of open countryside and tranquility.
The accommodation comprises of a entrance hall, living room, kitchen and to the first floor three bedrooms, and bathroom.
Some utilities are included within the monthly rent and onsite sparkling is also provided.
Viewing is highly recommended to really appreciate the charm this property has to offer.
The property enjoys a peaceful and enviable position on the outskirts of the well-regarded village of Northop and lies conveniently close to the A55 Expressway, providing excellent access to Chester, the Wirral and the North Wales Coast. Northop offers excellent village amenities whilst the larger centre of Mold, approximately 4.7 miles distant, offers a more comprehensive range of shopping and leisure facilities. The historic city of Chester is also within easy reach, approximately 13 miles distant.
Entrance hall with stairs to first floor, door to living room and storage cupboard.
Spacious Room, carpeted, beamed ceiling, with a window to front and rear elevations and storage cupboard.
A good range of base and eye level units with surfaces over and stainless steal sink drainer, plumbing for washing machine and window to rear elevation.
Carpeted and window to front elevation.
Carpeted and window to front elevation.
Carpeted and window to rear elevation.
White three piece comprising of Low fush WC, pedestal wash hand basin and panel bath with electric shower over.
Mains water
Mains electric
Biomas Boiler
Private drainage
**The heating, hot water, water and drainage are included within the monthly rent**
Council Tax Band B
Holding Deposit is paid on the basis of 1 week of the monthly rent cost being £218 this is payable before the start of the application process. The holding deposit will secure the property whilst the application process is ongoing.
The Holding Fee is fully refundable if the offer from the landlord is not accepted, the landlord withdraws the property or if you withdraw the offer of tenancy before the application process has begun.
The Holding Fee in non-refundable if the prospective tenant fails to progress the tenancy in the time frame given or gives false misleading information.
1. The property is offered on a Standard Occupation Contract (SOC) for an anticipated 6 months Let initially.
2. A copy of the proposed Contract is available for viewing at Jones Peckover's offices during normal opening hours. In brief, the repairing obligations are such that the Landlord will be responsible for all the main structure and internal fixtures, and the Tenant mainly responsible for maintaining internal decoration to a good standard, and obviously for repairing all breakages. The Landlord will be responsible for insuring the property. The Tenant will be responsible for arranging his/her own contents insurance cover.
3. The Tenant will pay all outgoings, including Council Tax, Water, Gas/Oil and Electricity
4. Rent is payable monthly and in advance, by Standing Order.
5. The Tenant will also be required at the outset to pay a deposit of £1200 to be held by My Deposits throughout the term against any possible damages, breakages etc.
Messrs Jones Peckover for themselves and for the vendors or lessors of this property whose agents they are give notice that:- 1. The particulars are set out as a general outline only for the guidance of intending purchasers or lessees, and do not constitute, nor constitute part of an offer or contract. 2. All descriptions, dimensions, references to condition and necessary permissions for use and occupation, and other details are given without responsibility and any intending purchasers or tenants should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them. 3. No person in the employment or Messrs Jones Peckover has the authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property.
Branch Name: Denbigh
Phone Number: 01745 812127
E-mail Address: denbigh@jonespeckover.com
Branch Address: 47 Vale Street, Denbigh, Denbighshire, LL16 3AR