Home > Property Sales > Properties for Sale > Cerrigydrudion
Bedrooms: 2
Receptions: 2
Bathrooms: 2
This charming and sympathetically restored rural cottage with detached annex occupies an unrivalled private and peaceful setting with stunning views over the surrounding countryside to the Snowdonian range. A private driveway leads to the spacious landscaped gardens amounting to approximately a quarter of an acre. The well appointed accommodation provides Entrance Hall, Living Room, Kitchen, Shower Room and Bedroom to the main house whilst the Annex provides Living Area, Shower Room and Bedroom.
The cottage is situated within walking distance of the village of Cerrigydrudion and offers basic amenities to include, post office, village shop and pub.
Viewing recommended to appreciate this tranquil and unique property.
No forward chain.
Slate tiled flooring, storage cupboards. staircase to:
A charming dual aspect room affording a good level of light. Inglenook fireplace housing a wood burning stove, carpet flooring with slate border, exposed stone walls.
Fitted with a comprehensive range of base and wall storage, ample working surfaces, integrated double oven, one and a half bowl sink with mixer taps, inglenook fireplace housing a wood burning stove, slate tiled flooring, exposed stone walls and timber beams.
Engineered oak flooring, built-in storage.
Shower cubicle housing an electric shower, twin wash hand basins, low flush wc and bidet. Engineered oak flooring.
Slate tiled flooring with underfloor heating
Electric low flush wc, wash hand basin with vanity storage, underfloor heating and immersion heater
Engineered oak flooring.
The property is approached via a lengthy private driveway which gives access to a paved parking area. The gardens are particularly generous, amounting to approximately a quarter of an acre, and have been landscaped to provide an idyllic outside space with glorious views towards Snowdonia. There is a well and pond and an abundance of mature specimen trees, plants and shrubs.
Mains water and electricity, private drainage.
Council Tax Band E.
None of the services, fittings or appliances (if any), heating installations, plumbing or electrical systems have been tested and no warranty is given as to their working ability. Interested parties should satisfy themselves as to the condition and adequacy of all such services and or installations prior to committing themselves to a purchase.
Messrs Jones Peckover for themselves and for the vendors or lessors of this property whose agents they are give notice that:- 1. The particulars are set out as a general outline only for the guidance of intending purchasers or lessees, and do not constitute, nor constitute part of an offer or contract. 2. All descriptions, dimensions, references to condition and necessary permissions for use and occupation, and other details are given without responsibility and any intending purchasers or tenants should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them. 3. No person in the employment or Messrs Jones Peckover has the authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property.
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Branch Name: Denbigh
Phone Number: 01745 812127
E-mail Address: denbigh@jonespeckover.com
Branch Address: 47 Vale Street, Denbigh, Denbighshire, LL16 3AR